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Hitachi National Prima Park - Hitachi Seaside Park

On the island of Hongsy, one of the most beautiful parks in Japan, the Hitachi Naval Park (Hitachi Seaside Park), is located in Ibaraki Prefecture. The name " Hitachi " is translated from Japanese as " sunrise " and how the beauty of the park, its soul cannot be clearly revealed

Not long ago (until 1973) the United States military bases were located at the site where the park broke up today. These lands were later handed over to the Government of Japan, but only in 1991 was a part of the Hitachi park, which at that time was not more than 70 ha. To date, the fleet has increased significantly and has 120 hectares. However, the Japanese are not going to stop and are about to expand it to 350 ha!

And yet, not in size, there's a raisin of the park, which, by the way, is not quite common around the world. The point is, it does not predominantly produce trees and handicrafts, as it is mostly in parks, but all possible flower plants. It is the colours that form the foundation of the Hitachi Park, with different species flowing almost continuously and gradually changing each other.
These include the flow of tulips and narcisses, lilies and masks, as well as many other plants. They're not on separate cloams, but on the vast fields, one word, always presented in such an unimaginable amount, which gives the impression that the flower seas have been scattered over the ground...
It is also interesting to note that the flowers are planted in the park not only to decorate the landscape of their natural beauty and to make the eyes of many visitors, but also to carry out all possible colour festivals.
In particular, one of the most favoured public is the festival called " Harmony of Nemophila " , which is tainted by a flower that is rare as for a European, a flower plant, a blue nemophila.
In the number of four and a half million, neophila is planted on the pretext of the hills, which, during the flow of the plant, are painted in heaven and blue. Then an outside observer (i.e. tourists who, you see, are going to the park for thousands to see this flower miracle!) it seems like the sky, growing out of love, went to the ground and trying to connect with it in a sweet and soft kiss...
In fact, this plant is not very typical of the Japanese landscape, as natural conditions only occur in one place on the ground in North America, and it is in the states of California and Oregon. There's a nemophile, mostly in solar groves, called "American dysfunctional" or "blue eyes” (although the colours of the plant must not necessarily be pure blue - there are also stainless flowers). The name of " Nemophilas " is drawn from two Greek words: " nemos " , groves and " phileo " . His origin can be explained by the fact that a number of non-mophiles prefer to grow in half a century rather than with full sunlight. Nemophila is a single-yearly grassy plant up to 20 cm high, with desiccated and peristo-range leaves, and sufficiently large single flowers of bells.
At least 1,000 trees are represented. I guess those who didn't see the spring fleet were wondering how it was when the sacurs tried their best wedding dresses. Then the branches of each tree hang. ♪ ♪

See also:
  • Dental Seo Company
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