Фишки дачников, как украсить

How To Steal The Good

На веранде можно организовать зону столовойIt's the summer of the day, isn't it the dream of every man who lives in a loud city? Someone doesn't like a country life, considering it uncomfortable. But even a simple cabin and a small precinct can be painted in such a way as to have time on it.


The possibility of upgrading the countryside home depends on the funds and size of the house. A minimum of furniture is used in order not to bury the premises. The sliding beds, chairs and table will be a great option and can be assembled as necessary. On the veranda, you can set up a canteen zone. As there is a shortage of water, the furniture needs to be chosen so that it can be easily taken care of. There will be bright plastic chairs for the veranda, and the precinct will look great with sun and rain protection, and the suspension chairs.

In addition to the interior facility, it is important to draw attention to the site ' s improvement. Everything must be meant for rest. Find a place for a mangal, friendly studs, set up an active recreation site.

What kind of street style?

The nature and naturality of the materials in the interior are preferable. Use a tree for walls and boards or a floorboard. The best colors are brown, refugee, but more bright and fun shades can be chosen. To give a second life to old things, Werandu can do in the east, hang bright and light curtains protecting from the sun and insects, put a carpet and beautiful pillows, set up cell or wood furniture. The interrier will be supplemented by the plant on the wall. In the kitchen, it's better to establish simple and functional furniture.

Дать вторую жизнь старым вещамHow to steal With your hands?

The decoration of the dacia is the free use of fantasy and manual means. Because by nature, field flowers, branches, chips can be used to steal the interrier. Create interesting composions. Some plants are well served by drying, and they can be used for a long time.

They'll bring small pictures of nature as well as a corner with family photos on vacation. Don't be afraid to fantasize. Dacha is a place where bright colors can be applied. Verand can paint blue, red, green, paint pictures on the walls. If you doubt it, the design of the cottage interior can be ordered by a specialist who will tell the best options. Trust me, you're gonna be a little kid, 'cause vacations are positive.

The editor believes that the country house can be a corner not only of temporary rest, but also of a permanent residence, but only of the right welfare of housing.

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